Writer's Lab

Adult Programs this June: Lit Chats, Writer's Labs and More!

Adult Programs

Summer is almost here and so are a ton of great programs! There are three - count them THREE - awesome Lit Chats in June, a Writer’s Lab doubleheader, and our newest Book Club at Pablo Creek! If you're not sure what to read this summer, we've got some great book recommendations for you on our blog.

In June, we'll announce the dates for Jax Book Fest 2023 and the three authors who'll be headlining that event! Join us at Lit Chats and Writer's Labs this summer and be sure to follow our social media (and read your emails) for the BIG reveal.

How To Write a Summary of Your Novel for Literary Agents and Editors

How to Write a Synopsis: Writers Lab

In this workshop, you will learn how to construct a query synopsis for submission to a literary agent or publishing house editor. You will leave knowing how to create a blueprint of your story with key elements of fiction revealed in a narrative format, the purpose of a novel synopsis, the components of a selling synopsis, the ideal synopsis length, and more.

Adult Programs at the Library this May: Authors, Writer's Lab and More!

Library U Adult Programs

May is Preservation Month, a time to celebrate and do our part to save historic places for the purpose of instilling community pride. The theme this year is “People Saving Places," a national high-five to everyone doing the great work of saving places—in ways big and small—and inspiring others to do the same. Jacksonville Public Library is kicking celebrations off with a lively, wide-ranging discussion about Jacksonville's history and architecture with Wayne Wood and Tim Gilmore on Saturday, May 6 at 2 p.m. at the Main Library.

April Library Programs for Adults: Authors, Writer's Lab and More!

Library U Adult Programs

April is National Poetry Month and we are featuring two awesome local poets in our Lit Chat Interview Series. It’s also a great month for Great Decisions, our film and discussion group about current events. And this month we welcome a new book club with a fantastic name – Shelf Conscious Book Club at Maxville! Check out all of our great adult programs happening this month!

How Reading Can Make You A Better Writer

For the Love of Books: Workshop with Jennifer Wolfe

As a writer, you've probably been told — time and again — that to grow your craft and become a better writer, you must read widely and often. That's why you got a library card, took the 2023 Jax Stacks Reading Challenge and joined a Library Book Club. Now what?

That's where Writer's Lab comes in!

Take your writing to the next level at a writing workshop with Jennifer Wolfe of Women Writing for (a) Change on March 25 at the Brown Eastside Branch Library! She'll show you how you can use your love of books to fuel your writing.

Lit Chat Author Talks, Writer's Workshops and more this March!

Programs for adults

This March, hear about a fascinating and influential (but relatively unknown) figure in Women's History, learn how the group Women Writing for (a) Change takes inspiration and writing techniques from their favorite books at our next Writer's Lab Workshop and join a discussion group on US foreign policy with topics that affect women and girls here in America and around the world!


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