Programs For Adults Coming To The Jacksonville Public Library In October
Cozy up to a great program this fall at the library! We have virtual and in-person author events, workshops for writers and gardeners, and great books to read with friends!
All Library locations are closed Monday, Feb. 17 in observance of President's Day.
Cozy up to a great program this fall at the library! We have virtual and in-person author events, workshops for writers and gardeners, and great books to read with friends!
Bestselling author and renowned writing instructor Elizabeth Gilbert joins us in September for two days of bookish excitement! Readers can check out our Lit Chat Interview with her on Friday evening, and writers can attend a 3-hour Writer’s Lab workshop on Saturday morning. We’d love to see you at both!
The Library is delighted to feature Elizabeth Gilbert in two big events this September! Read on to learn more about how you can watch and learn from the bestselling author this month. In addition, check out our other great writing and gardening workshops and awesome book clubs!
You’ve written a polished story or two or ten and you feel confident that it’s time to share your work with the world. You’ve heard about self-publishing, but is it the right fit for you, financially? Join us for a Writer’s Lab with local author Siera London that covers the basics of the indie publishing business and what you should consider before jumping in.
March is Women’s History Month, and we know a lot of you out there have a story of your own to share with the world. If you’re not sure how to get your memories out of your head and onto paper, check out this great workshop for the techniques you need!
Do you have an ebook looking for a wider audience? Would you like to get your book into the library but you don’t have a print version? Check out the Indie Author Project for ways to get your book into the hands of more readers!
Do you have a completed book just waiting to make its debut in the world? Do you need some help turning that book into a file that you can publish? Check out Pressbooks, a service offered for free with your library card that gives you a book formatted perfectly for your favorite publishing service.