
Not all of our online resources are available in this search. If you can't find what you are looking for by searching, browse our online resources by subject.

Get a Library Card

Jacksonville Public Library card

Using a laptop to access the complete list of the library's databases

A - Z List of Databases

A comprehensive list of the Library's database collection.

Young woman with a pencil thinking about the library's databases

Browse Database Subjects

Browse online databases by subject.

young man holding a stack of books to read he found at the library

Find Your Next Read

Can't decide what to read next? Get trustworthy advice from people who love to read!

Group of teenagers working on homework at the library

Homework Help

Use the library's research databases for authoritative sources for school papers.

Young girl reading a book in the library

Kids Resources

Start your young child on the right track with age-appropriate articles and explore the world with National Geographic Kids or learn a language with KidsSpeak from Transparent Language Online.

Young woman using new technology learned from a library database

Learn Something New

Get help with test prep, learn a new language, or sharpen your technology, creative, and business skills to achieve your personal and professional goals.

browsing for newspapers and magazines from a mobile device through the library

Newspapers & Magazines

Read newspapers from throughout the country, including the Wall Street Journal and the Florida Times Union.

Two woman researching family history at the library

Research Family History

Search for an obituary, browse genealogical and historical sources, or visit a library location to use Ancestry Library Edition.

group of people working on a small business plan at the library

Small Business Resources

Research business locations, find starter business plans, insurance information, and more.

image of the Special Collections department at the Main Library

Special Collections

Ask questions, trace your family roots, research the history of your home, explore old city maps and directories, and so much more!