Teen Think Tank (6th - 12th Grade)

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Teen Think Tank: Wage Words

Teen Think Tank Library Academy

It's National Poetry Month! Check out our reads and resources below for a reminder of just how powerful this form of expression can be and tag @jaxlibrary to share your thoughts. There are also events and workshops for every level of interest at the Jax Poetry Fest throughout April. Whether you're ready to showcase your unique poetic voice, or you simply want to explore a new craft, you are bound to find a memorable way to celebrate! 

Teen Think Tank: No Limits

Teen Think Tank Library Academy

Throughout history, women have made important contributions to our society. March has been set aside as a special month not only to recognize these achievements, but also to reflect on the reasons why they have been, and sometimes still are, overlooked and undervalued. Check out the reads and resources below to celebrate the creativity, intelligence, strength and resilience of women worldwide! 

Teen Think Tank: Impossible Is Just An Opinion

Teen Think Tank Library Academy

It's easy to dwell on the things that we want to change, both in our own lives and that of the world around us. So much, in fact, that it can sometimes feel unattainable. As we celebrate the achievements and history of African Americans as part of Black History Month this February, check out the resources below and consider just how much can change through the actions of one person, not to mention a collective effort.


Get a Library Card

Jacksonville Public Library card

A Library Card in Every Student's Pocket

Student Library Card

Simply enter a student ID to access a fine-free library card! The Student Card is available for free to all students at any public school system in Duval County.

Science Fair Help

Young girl working on her science project

You've got a science fair project to do, but now what? How do you get started?  Don't worry, the Library has your back! 

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