Lit Chat

Lit Chat with Julie G. Delegal

In her self-published novel, Seen, Julie G. Delegal takes a story straight from Jacksonville’s headlines and tells a fictional version that explores a similar event from two perspectives. Join us to chat with Julie about the process of fictionalizing true events and how she was inspired to write this novel!

Lit Chat with Madeline Martin

Lit Chat with Madeline Martin

Lit Chat with Madeline Martin, Saturday, July 30, at 1 pm. This event will take place live at the Main Library’s Hicks Auditorium and will be livestreamed online via Zoom. Martin will sign books after the event. Books will be available to purchase on-site or in advance from sponsor San Marco Books or you can bring a book purchased from your favorite bookseller.

Lit Chat with Nikesha Elise Williams

Lit Chat with Nikesha Elise Williams, Thursday, July 14, at 6:30 pm

Nikesha Elise Williams has been featured at the library as a Writer’s Lab workshop instructor and Lit Chat interviewer many times over the last two years. Now she takes on the role of featured author in our next Lit Chat! Join us at the Highlands Library to learn about Nikesha’s journey as an award-winning self-published author, journalist, and podcaster.

Lit Chat with Brit Bennett

Lit Chat with Brit Bennett at The Jacksonville Public Library

Brit Bennett wowed readers in 2016 with her debut novel, The Mothers, and again in 2020 with her New York Times number-one bestselling novel The Vanishing Half. If you were one of those readers, you now have a chance to meet Brit Bennett in person at the library! Come hear about her books and writing process, and get a chance to ask her questions during our Q&A session.

Lit Chat with Jada Wright-Greene

Lit Chat with Jada Wright-Greene

In her new book of historic photographs, Jada Wright-Greene celebrates the homes of African Americans throughout the state, including cabins, shotgun homes, and two-story residences in Jacksonville and beach homes in American Beach and Butler Beach. Join us to learn more about these homes and the process of researching their histories!

Lit Chat with Craig Pittman

If you love living in Florida, and love to be annoyed at “Florida Man”, you will definitely want to check out our upcoming Lit Chat with New York Times bestselling author Craig Pittman! Pittman writes fondly of the strange state we call home and all the interesting people who make it famous. Thanks to the Friends of the Beaches Branch Library for sponsoring this author talk!


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