Lit Chat 2023

Adult Programs at the Library this May: Authors, Writer's Lab and More!

Library U Adult Programs

May is Preservation Month, a time to celebrate and do our part to save historic places for the purpose of instilling community pride. The theme this year is “People Saving Places," a national high-five to everyone doing the great work of saving places—in ways big and small—and inspiring others to do the same. Jacksonville Public Library is kicking celebrations off with a lively, wide-ranging discussion about Jacksonville's history and architecture with Wayne Wood and Tim Gilmore on Saturday, May 6 at 2 p.m. at the Main Library.

Chat with local celebrated chef Dennis Chan of Blue Bamboo

Lit Chat Interview with Chef Dennis Chan at Beaches Library

Anyone can be a writer – even an accomplished chef! The first step is deciding what you'll write about. It could be something you're passionate about or particularly skilled in... Or could it simply be the book (or cookbook) you think is missing from the world!

If you’ve ever wondered how a cookbook comes together and what it takes to write one, here's your chance to ask a local expert!

Celebrating Jax Poets: Interview with Jessica Q. Stark and Dorsey Craft

Lit Chat Author Interview with Jessica Q. Stark

Jessica Q. Stark is the author of Buffalo Girl (BOA Editions, forthcoming April 2023), Savage Pageant (Birds, LLC, 2020) and four poetry chapbooks, including INNANET (The Offending Adam, 2021). Savage Pageant was named one of the “Best Books of 2020” in The Boston Globe and in Hyperallergic. Her poetry has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Poetry, Poetry Society of America, Pleiades, The Southeast Review, Carolina Quarterly, The Boiler, Tupelo Quarterly, Glass Poetry Journal, among others. She is a Poetry Editor at AGNI and is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the University of North Florida.

Jacksonville's Architectural Heritage with Wayne Wood

Lit Chat Interview with Wayne Wood

Join us for a lively, wide-ranging discussion about Jacksonville's history and architecture, highlighting Wayne's new "Bicentennial Edition" of his local classic book, Jacksonville's Architectural Heritage, as well as several of his previous books. Interviewed by Dr. Tim Gilmore, a colorful and prolific author in his own right, Wayne will present little-known facts about Jacksonville's buildings and will discuss his all-time favorite landmarks in the city.

Local Veteran Writes Poetry About Love, Pain, Faith and More

Lit Chat Interview with Aaron Woodson

Aaron Woodson is a Florida-based military combat veteran who has served in the US Air Force and US Air National Guard for over 15 years. He began his military career participating in military campaigns such as Operation Iraqi Freedom and Inherent Resolve. At a very young age, Aaron began to nurture an interest in and passion for poetry. He began to write poems at school and his love for writing grew so deep that he told his parents that someday he would publish his own book. Having moved to Jacksonville in 2016, he decided to finish up his now-completed book, The Face of Expression, a poetry book that fuses story-telling and non-fiction clips into it.

Celebrate Reading Week

Celebrate Reading Week

You know the power of a good book. And if you're a parent, you know that it's important for your kids to see you reading for enjoyment. But as adults, we're all reading role models! The more we use the Library, talk about books, and attend awesome author events and book signings, the more literate (and well-read) Jacksonville becomes. That's why we hope you'll celebrate reading with your community starting March 27 through April 1!

April Library Programs for Adults: Authors, Writer's Lab and More!

Library U Adult Programs

April is National Poetry Month and we are featuring two awesome local poets in our Lit Chat Interview Series. It’s also a great month for Great Decisions, our film and discussion group about current events. And this month we welcome a new book club with a fantastic name – Shelf Conscious Book Club at Maxville! Check out all of our great adult programs happening this month!

Celebrate Reading with NYT Bestselling Author Tommy Orange

Lit Chat Interview with Tommy Orange

March 27 - April 1 is Celebrate Reading Week in Jacksonville! The Jacksonville Public Library is partnering with the Kids Hope Alliance, Duval County Public Schools, READ USA, and several other organizations to showcase the power of reading for kids around the city.

You know the power of a good book. And if you're a parent, you know that it's important for your kids to see you reading for enjoyment. But as adults, we're all reading role models! The more we use the Library, talk about books, and attend awesome author events and book signings, the more literate (and well-read) Jacksonville becomes.

That's why we hope you'll celebrate reading with your community at a special event with bestselling author Tommy Orange!


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