Books for Kids

Books to Read for Talk Like a Pirate Day

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Shiver me timbers and batten down the hatches! September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day. If you're looking for some inspiration, the Library has some great books about our favorite scallywags and seadogs. No need to raid Davey Jones' locker. The best part: these books won't cost you a single doubloon! So, check out a book, sing your favorite sea chantey, and "yo ho ho" the whole day long!

Junior Lit Chat: Meet Author and Illustrator Dan Santat at Jax Book Fest

Junior Lit chat with Dan Santat

Dan Santat is the author and illustrator of over a hundred books for young people including the New York Times–bestselling book After the Fall (How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again). Though he's probably best known for The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend, the magical story of a would-be imaginary friend who sets off on a journey looking for the child he's destined to befriend!

Junior Lit Chat: Get a Free Book and Talk to Children's Book Author Emily Jenkins

Junior Lit Chat with Emily Jenkins Upside Down Magic

It's never easy when your magic goes wonky. For Nory, this means that instead of being able to turn into a dragon or a kitten, she turns into both of them at the same time -- a dritten! A two-time Boston Globe/Horn Book Award Honor winner and recipient of the Sydney Taylor Book Award, author Emily Jenkins is a favorite with children for her humor and sensitivity. Join the Junior Lit Chat Tuesday, September 5 from 6-6:30 p.m. at Southeast Library (intended for kids ages 5-12). A limited number of copies of Harry Versus the First One Hundred Days of School will be given away to participants, first come, first served.

Fourth of July Books for Kids

Books to Celebrate July 4

How does your family celebrate our nation's independence? Maybe you wake up early on the Fourth of July to bake that all-American apple pie? Or do you spend the whole morning preparing for that big barbeque in the backyard or picnic in the park? Of course, there are also parades and fireworks and all sorts of fun traditions! The Library has books (for all ages) that reflect the grand diversity and the rich tapestry that make our country and our community here in Jacksonville so great. We've highlighted a few of those books (for young readers) here!

Kids Books to Celebrate Earth Day

Kids books to celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day is a celebration! The natural beauty and resources we all enjoy here on the First Coast are something to behold. When was the last time you visited the riverfront, our amazing beaches or the Jacksonville Arboretum & Botanical Gardens? Earth Day is also a reminder and a call to action. So many plants and animals call the Earth home! Every generation must do its part to protect it. Even the youngest kids can get in on the fun! For ideas and tools, check out these books about kids who are doing small (and big) things that make difference every day!

Halloween At Jacksonville Public Library: Just-Spooky-Enough Books For Kids + Scary Good Programs For The Whole Family

Check out this just-spooky-enough selection of Halloween books written especially for kids. From There's A Ghost In This House and Monster Goose to A World Full of Spooky Stories, this roundup of books has a story for all the ghosts and goblins in your crew!


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