Do You Have The Best Indie-Published Book In Florida?

Thursday, April 6, 2023

#Florida Author Project

#Submit your book to the Florida Author Project

This year’s contest kicked off on April 1, 2023. Submissions will be accepted through May 31, 2023.


The winners of this contest will receive:

  • $1,000 each in Adult and Young Adult categories
  • Honors at the 2023 Indie Author Day reception
  • Opportunities to promote your book(s) at Florida public libraries
  • Inclusion in a full-page print spread in Library Journal
  • Opportunities to earn royalties through the IAP Select collection (ePUB format required for eligibility)


Each book that is submitted to the contest must be:

  • Indie-published
  • Adult Fiction or Young Adult Fiction
  • Written by a Florida resident
  • Available in either ePUB (strongly encouraged) or PDF file

Submit your work!

Get your submission ready for FREE with Pressbooks!

You can create, edit, format, and generate print-ready and e-book formats for your book with Pressbooks Public. It also works as a word processor and cloud storage. So, you can start using Pressbooks no matter where you are in the writing process.

Even if you don't win the contest, by submitting your book to the Florida Author Project, you could earn readers and build buzz on your book through its inclusion in Biblioboard's Indie Florida Collection!

Note: You can submit your work to the Indie Author Project at any time, not just during the annual contest period.

Biblioboard Library

biblioboard library logoJacksonville Public Library has partnered with Library Journal and the Indie Author Project to help readers find your ebook through the Biblioboard discovery platform. Check out all the great ebooks that have already been submitted by local authors on our Biblioboard website or by downloading the Biblioboard Library app!