Junior Scholars (K - 5th Grade): Ice

Let's talk about ice for a bit. It's great to have ice from the freezer to cool down a beverage on a hot day, isn’t it? In terms of weather, it isn't something we see in our area very much (which can be good, as it’s so slippery it can make getting around dangerous).  As it turns out, ice is great for experiments and creative fun, so join us for one of the programs below. Ice think you will be glad you did!

#READ: Annie and Snowball and the Wintry Freeze by Cynthia Rylant

Annie and Snowball and the Wintry Freeze by Cynthia Rylant book cover

Annie and her cousin Henry, along with Henry's dog Mudge and Annie's rabbit Snowball, enjoy a sparkling, wintry ice storm.


#PLAY: Ice Cube Spoon Race

Child carrying two spoons of ice


  • Ice cubes (can tint with food coloring if desired)
  • Spoons

This is a fun game for two or more players. Lay out a course (you can keep it simple or make it challenging) and players have to go through the course with an ice cube in a spoon without dropping it! For a challenge, time players to see who is the fastest. If you drop your cube, you have to go back to the beginning of the course. To add another layer of difficulty, have players carry TWO spoons with ice cubes!

#EXPLORE: Make an Ice Cave

DIY ice cave creation

Make an ice cave for your toys with this project from Blue Bear Wood.


  • Balloons
  • Liquid food coloring
  • Water
  • Small toys (such as Lego figures, animals, etc.)


  1. Put ½ -1 tsp. Food coloring in the balloon (amount depends on how much color you want in the finished project).
  2. Fill balloon with water, tie a knot in the end, and place in the freezer for 5-6 hours.
  3. Take the balloon out when it is solid enough on the outside to squeeze without breaking, and there is still water swishing around inside. You may need to adjust the time, depending on how big the filled balloon is, so keep checking.
  4. Over a sink, carefully pull the balloon away. Depending on how thick the ice is, you should get a natural break hole in the ice, as the weight of the water causes the ice to break. This hole (or two!) provides just enough space to add little toys.
  5. Put your ice cave on a plate and arrange small toys inside as a playscape. Enjoy your ice cave while it lasts!

#JOIN: Attend a program virtually or in person!

For virtual programs, registration is required to receive the Zoom link; use the links below to register and find out more details about the programs, including days, times, and needed supplies.

For in person programs, registration is required; if space allows, walk-ins will be admitted. Use the links below to register and find out more details about the programs, including locations, days, and times.

Jr. Scientists

Junior Scientists Banner

If your child is into science, technology, engineering and math (or if they would like to be), this is the time for them to shine. Read or talk through a STEM book with us and then we’ll do a STEM-based activity together.

  • Homeschool Science (ages 5-12) - This program is similar to the in-person Jr. Scientists program, but is held earlier in the day for families with flexible learning schedules.

Jr. Artists

Junior Artists Banner

Does your child learn best with paint, paper, popsicle sticks and glue? Add in a book and some games and you’ve got the perfect program for your young artist. Get ready to dive into an imaginative adventure with this week’s book, then create along with us as we build a masterpiece! 

  • Homeschool Art Club (ages 5-12) - This program is similar to the in-person Jr. Artists program, but is held earlier in the day for families with flexible learning schedules.

Story Journeys

Story Journeys Banner Image

Does your child light up when they really connect to a story? Story Journeys brings picture books to life with drama activities and non-fiction connections. Come read with us as we explore a variety of stories and make literacy connections. 


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