The Big Bag Book Sale Starts July 14!
The Big Bag Book Sale will be back for a limited time from July 14 - 16. You can shop great deals—not only on books, but movies, audiobooks, records, and more. The store is located at University Park Branch at 3435 University Blvd. N.
Become a member!
Members get BOGO on any store item all year long. If you want to become a member, you can purchase your membership at the door for $20. Not only are you buying for enjoyment, but you are also supporting the Jacksonville Public Library.
Book Sale Details:
July 14, 4 - 8 PM
FJPL Members Only: BOGO!
July 15, 4-8 PM & JULY 16, 10 AM - 4 PM
Open to all! Fill 2 Grocery Bags for $15 each, get 3rd Bag Free
To find more information on the July Big Bag Book sale, visit