We are open for artists.
We are open for poets.
We are open for zinesters.
We are open for readers.
#We are open for Art Walk
Celebrate our community's deep pool of creative talent with us on the first Wednesday of each month in Downtown Jacksonville! The Main Library stays open until 9 p.m. for the festivities! We are conveniently located directly across from James Weldon Johnson Park, one of Art Walk's two major hubs of activity.
Not only that, there is usually local art on display, zinesters meeting and collaborating on the first floor, and sometimes special drop-in activities going on in the Teen Room. Don't forget to pick up a Map & Guide to the Main Library on your way in! You'll find public art, a huge vintage map collection and more!
#Drop-In Activities
Zinester Meetup
Make, trade, read and discuss zines with local zinesters and comic makers at our monthly Zinester Meetup.
At November's meetup, we will be joined again by students from UNF Professor Andrew Kozlowski's "Zines and Community" course!
If you're stopping by, be sure to grab a free mini-zine that talks about the Library's Zine Collection. Or, if you have a little more time, you can make your own mini-zine and print it up using the Risograph printer!

If you haven't already, take the time to browse the Zine Collection (they are available for checkout!). If you have a zine or self-published comic to donate to the Library, bring it with you! For more about the Library's Zine Collection, visit jaxlibrary.org/zines.
Tabletop Players Welcome
Are you interested in TTRPGs (tabletop roleplaying games)?
Join us for a Dungeons & Dragons one-shot adventure for adults from 6 - 8:30 p.m. every Art Walk. No experience is required. Just bring your creativity! The group meets on the first floor (near the Zine Zone).
#Art Exhibits
Duval Art Downtown: An Exhibition for Educators
Don't miss this special exhibition celebrating the creative talent and interests of 27 current (and retired) Duval County Public School art educators. You'll find over 60 art pieces including paintings in acrylic, oil, and watercolor; sculptures in found/natural materials and ceramics; textile and fabric arts; mixed media and collage; drawings in graphite and charcoal; linoleum prints; and more.
These educators work so hard to inspire their students and help them move forward on their creative journeys. We often forget that they're artists, too! This exhibition gives them a chance to show their own passions and creative pursuits.

On the Fringe: Abstract Realities
November Art Walk is the last day to check out the fine art of Earl Coggins, on display in our second and third-floor galleries. This exhibit is presented by The Art Center Cooperative, Inc.

If you are interested in exhibiting your artwork at one of our libraries and you're already a member of TAC or Jacksonville Artists' Guild, please speak with your respective group. You can also Request to Exhibit on your own. For more information, check out our Exhibit Policy or ask to speak with the manager at the library location that you're interested in working with.