Big Bag Book Sale

Big Bag Book Sale Picture

It's that time of year again! It's time for our BIG BAG BOOK SALE! Where we believe MORE IS MORE! Shop till you drop in books galore. We will have a wide range of books for all ages and genre lovers. Not to mention we will also have movies and music on sale. Record lovers will have a chance to snag their favorite records of artists they LOVE!! Read on to find out the details of the event. Proceeds from the memberships and book sales support and enhance programs and services at Jacksonville Public Library. Can't make the sale? You can still support the Friends and the Library by donating your gently-loved books, DVDs, CDs, and jigsaw puzzles. Donations totaling less than three boxes can be dropped off at any branch. If you have more than three boxes, please take them directly to the FJPL bookstore located at 3435 University Blvd N. To find more information on the Big Bag Book sale, visit

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