
Books for Your To-Be-Read Pile or Your Next Reading Challenge

Book Blitz Month

What's your to-be-read pile looking like in 2025? Are you placing holds on the Library's Forthcoming Books so you're first in line for the next chapter in your favorite series? Or do you still have a ton of books on your list from 2024 that you've been meaning to pick up? January is a great time to take stock of your TBR and set reading goals for the year. That's why this year, we're celebrating "Book Blitz Month" along with you! 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Recommended Reads + Local Events

Books to Honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Taking place each year on the third Monday in January, the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service (MLK Day) is the only federal holiday that is also designated by Congress as a national day of service – a “day on, not a day off." By participating in service projects, we can bridge divides, heal wounds, and create lasting change that will benefit our community for years to come. The service project might meet a tangible need, such as fixing up a school or senior center, or it might do the hard work of starting to build a sense of community or mutual responsibility. 

National Picture Book Month!

Picture Book Month Graphic

Each November, we take the time to honor and celebrate the enduring beauty and significance of picture books. This initiative reminds us of the power they hold in fostering literacy and imagination in readers of all ages. Join us as we explore the art of storytelling and the spark of joy that picture books bring to our lives.

Celebrating Black History, Art and Culture this February at the Library

February is Black History Month

Every February, Black History Month prompts us all to learn from and about our history. It is also a time to celebrate the historical, artistic, culinary, scientific, and other achievements of Black Americans. Throughout the month, the Library will highlight books in our collection by and about people in the African American community including here on our blog, through book displays in your local library, and via reading challenges for all ages on Beanstack. The Library and our Friends Groups also have several events and programs planned, starting on February 1.

Books to Celebrate Disability Pride Month

Books to celebrate Disability Pride Month

The Library has an AMAZING collection of books featuring stories and information written by and about people from varied backgrounds, races, ethnicities, life experiences, and viewpoints. We love to share selections that demonstrate the range of our collection all year and we encourage you to explore these books with us! This month, we are highlighting books about people embracing their disabilities and reclaiming visibility in public.


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