Effective: June 1, 2023
Last Reviewed: N/A
- Purpose
- Definitions
- Registration records includes any information that the Library requires a member or subscriber to provide in order to become eligible to borrow Library materials.
- Circulation records includes all information that identifies the member or subscriber who borrows particular Library materials.
- Registration and Circulation Records
- Requests for Records
- The Library does not give, share, sell or transfer any registration or circulation information to third parties except to conduct Library business or as required by law.
- Staff are not authorized to grant exceptions to records requests as outlined in Florida Statutes, Chapter 257.261. Requests by law enforcement or other agencies for information from or access to Library member or subscriber records must be accompanied by a proper judicial order.
- Authorization to Define Procedures
The purpose of this policy is to define and communicate Jacksonville Public Library’s responsibilities and obligations related to maintaining the confidentiality of its customer’s registration and borrowing/circulation records.
As defined in Florida Statutes, Chapter 257.261 and consistent with City of Jacksonville Ordinance Code Section 662.103. - Registration and circulation records confidential:
In order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of members and subscribers, the Library maintains and administers registration and circulation records under the provisions of the Florida Statutes, Chapter 257.261 and with City of Jacksonville Ordinance Code Section 662.103. - Registration and circulation records confidential. The Library shall not collect, create or use records of individuals beyond those necessary for the efficient administration of Library operations, programs and services.
The Board of Library Trustees authorizes the Library Director to establish procedures to administer this policy, and to delegate any and all responsibilities herein to other staff through such procedures.
Associated Library Policies
- 2.6.1 - Privacy, Jacksonville Public Library
- 3.1.1 - Customer Accounts and Privileges, Jacksonville Public Library
Relevant Laws and Legislation
- 257.261. – Library Registration and Circulation Records, Florida Stautes
- 622.103. – Registration and Circulation Records Confidential, Ordinance Code