Books to Celebrate Rainbow Book Month

Friday, June 2, 2023

Celebrating Rainbow Book Month

The Library has an AMAZING collection of books featuring stories and information written by and about people from varied backgrounds, races, ethnicities, life experiences, and viewpoints.

We love to share selections that demonstrate the range of our collection all year and we encourage you to explore these books with us!

Celebrating The Rainbow of Families Here In Jacksonville

Rainbow: A first book of prideThis June, we are highlighting books in our collection by and about people in the LGBTQIA+ community. Check out the books below and join us at one of two Rainbow Family Storytimes at Willow Branch on Saturday, June 17 where we celebrate the rainbow of families that make up our wonderful community with songs and stories! Featured books: Adventures with My Daddies by Gareth Peter and Rainbow: A First Book of Pride by Michael Genhart. 

Children's Books


Young Adult Books


Book Recommendations for Adults