Small Business & Side Hustles 2024

Go "Back to School" with the Library and Learn Small Business Skills

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

August is back-to-school month here in Florida. Learning isn't just for the littles, though! As a small business owner or someone who's thinking about starting a small business, there are things you need to know, too! The public library is a great place to learn. Can't afford a college course? No problem! The best back-to-school supply that you or your kids could want is a Jacksonville Public Library card. Bonus: you don't have to wait for a tax-free holiday to pick one up! They're always free!

Tips and Tools for Conducting Market Research for Your Small Business

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

The use of zip codes as we know them started on July 1, 1963. Why is this string of numbers important to your business? The Library has many free tools like Data Axle Reference Solutions to help you with demographic research, small business marketing, and more. Read this month's Small Business & Side Hustles newsletter to learn how to conduct your own market research!

Create Your Business Plan this Summer with Help from the Library

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

According to the U. S. Small Business Administration, a business plan is a strategic tool that shapes the trajectory of your business over the next 3-5 years. It's a written guide that outlines how your business will generate revenue and expand. The library provides a wealth of databases to support your business planning. This month, we're featuring the Business Plan Handbook Series available through GALE as well as some helpful books and LinkedIn Learning courses.

Small Business Advice for Female Entrepreneurs and Leaders in Jax

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

Twyla Prindle is the founder of Kash Kids, Inc. and author of more than a dozen financial literacy books for kids. Her best-known work is Where Is My Money? She is one of North Florida’s leading advocates for teaching children financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills. Twyla hopes to inspire children to become financially independent adults and future entrepreneurs.

Small Business: Advice from a Black Business Owner

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

February is Black History Month and Small Business and Side Hustles has some advice from a local small business owner. Twyla Prindle is the founder of Kash Kids, Inc. and author of more than a dozen financial literacy books for kids. Her best-known work is Where Is My Money? She is one of North Florida’s leading advocates for teaching children financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills.

Build Your Small Business or Side Hustle in 2024

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

Nearly a quarter of US consumers (23%) are considering starting a new business in 2024, according to findings from the Entrepreneurship in 2024 Report commissioned by Intuit QuickBooks in December 2023. Over 4,500 respondents on a survey say business ownership is a better way to build personal wealth in 2024 than buying a home. If you are one of the 23% of consumers starting a business or if you already have a business and are working on improvements, the Library can help!

Get a Library Card

Jacksonville Public Library card

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