Library U

Resources for Creative Small Businesses and Crafty Side Hustles

Small Business and Side Hustles Newsletter

Do you have a crafty side hustle? Or are you thinking about turning your hobby into a small business? Each year, October kicks off the Fall Festival Season and with it, an influx of craft fairs and booths. In their article “How To Start Selling at Craft Fairs and Shows” on August 18, 2024, Indeed suggests visiting some fairs and observing the popular booths. Ask yourself: What does the booth look like? How is the booth organized? What types of crafts do they sell? How expensive are their items? Where do they place their more costly items? How do they greet potential customers?

How to Find and Apply for Small Business Grants

Small Business and Side Hustles

While May is Small Business Month, November is pretty BIG for small businesses, too. First, there's Small Business Saturday on November 30 and this year marks the 15th anniversary! It's a great way for your customers and community to show their support - and get a much needed financial injection at the end of the year. This year's theme is: "One Day Makes a Difference." What else could you do this month to make a difference in your small business?

History, Authors, Books and Writing Programs for Adults in November

Library U Adult Programs newsletter

Whether you're looking for tips on writing your next book, learning how to run a tabletop roleplaying game, building a small business website, or just looking for more book recommendations, the Library has a wide variety of programs for adults in locations across the city. In November, the Main Library will also play host to JaxbyJax year XI, a literary arts festival for writers, by writers. Plus, the African American History Community Programs series continues with a special History Chat with guest speaker Jerry Urso. 

Book Clubs to Join this November + New Reading Recommendations

Join a Library Book Club

Did you know? This month is "Nonfiction November." If you normally stick to fiction, this could be a good time to branch out. If it's your favorite genre, what better way to celebrate than to pick up a few books read by Library Book Clubs this month? Some of these groups read and discuss nonfiction every month! Whether you're partial to History, True Crime, Biography or Memoirs... you have a few options!

History Chat: The Case for Grand Master David Daniel Powell

History Chat logo

This November, discover the enduring impact of David Daniel Powell, a prominent yet overlooked local Black leader. Powell expertly steered the Black community through numerous crises, including two pandemics, two World Wars, and the Great Depression, while leading the Grand Lodge and informally governing LaVilla for nearly 50 years. This is the first History Chat in the Library's new African American History series of community programs made possible by a grant from the Mellon Foundation.

Lit Chat Interview with Author and Filmmaker Morgan Jerkins

Morgan Jerkins

We are excited to announce that New York Times bestselling and National Magazine Award-winning author Morgan Jerkins will be the first featured Lit Chat author in the Library's new African American History series of community programs. The project, aimed at calling attention to and expanding the African American History Collection and Digital Community Archive, is made possible by a $1 million grant from the Mellon Foundation.

Lit Chat Interview with Silvia Moreno-Garcia at Southeast Library

Silvia Moreno-Garcia photo with Lit Chat logo

Silvia Moreno-Garcia, the New York Times bestselling author of Mexican Gothic, is coming to Jacksonville for Hispanic Heritage Month. Her latest novel is a historical drama set in Hollywood, following three different point of view characters all tied to the production of a movie inspired by the Biblical story of Salome. She will be in conversation with author Michelle Lizet Flores on Tuesday, October 15, at 7 p.m. at the Southeast Library.


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