
Graphic Novels in Libraries Month

Graphic Novels in Libraries Month

July is Graphic Novels in Libraries Month! Started in 2019 by Booklist (the American Library Association's review journal) to bring attention to and promote the growing graphic novel and comics collections in our nation’s libraries, this month-long celebration coincides with the world’s biggest fandom event, San Diego Comic Con. At Jacksonville Public Library, we celebrate graphic novels all year round! We have a monthly Comic Club (Graphic Novel Book Club) at the Willow Branch Library. Join a Library Book Club today and get even more book recommendations from readers just like you!

These Are the Star Wars Books and Free Comics You're Looking For

May the Fourth Be With You (Star Wars Day). Graphic includes an image of a Mandalorian reading a book on being a better dad.

Whether you’re celebrating Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!), Free Comic Book Day, attending the Beaches Library Comic Fest or just looking to revisit your favorite characters in a galaxy far, far away: the Library has the books and comics you’re looking for! Plus, hear a special message from Bo-Katan Kryze and the Armorer, who visited the Main Library back in March!

Third Annual Duval Comic and Zine Fest at the Main Library

DCAZ Fest (Duval Comic and Zine Fest) June 15th 11 AM - 5 PM Jacksonville Public Library Main

The Main Library is proud to host the third annual Duval Comic and Zine Fest in downtown Jacksonville on Saturday, June 15, from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. A celebration of independent publishing featuring local creators of self-published zines, comics, alternative press, and DIY media, the event will feature over 50 tablers, a risograph printing activity, a Writer's Lab workshop, and a Lit Chat with graphic novelist Nate Powell. The event is and all programs are free to attend!

Where to Find Comics and Graphic Novels in the Library

Graphic Novels Month

July is Graphic Novels in Libraries Month! This annual holiday was started in 2019 to highlight all of the manga, graphic novels, and comics that libraries have in their collections. Spoiler alert: it's a lot! We also use it to promote all of the fun, geeky programs and activities we offer for readers. Read on for book recommendations, program reminders and an exciting announcement!

Lit Chat Interview with graphic novelist Leela Corman at DCAZ Fest

Lit Chat Interview with Leela Corman at DCAZ Fest

Join us for a Lit Chat Interview with graphic novelist Leela Corman. She'll be in conversation with local podcaster Badr Milligan live at the Main Library during the second annual Duval Comic and Zine Fest on Saturday, June 10, at 1:30 p.m. Corman is a founding instructor of the Sequential Artists Workshop in Gainesville, Florida, and an instructor at Rhode Island School of Design. DCAZ Fest is a celebration for self-publishing that brings together local comic and zine makers with fans of underground art, alternative press and DIY media. Chair seating will be guaranteed to those who register for the in-person program and there will also be standing room available at the event.

Graphic Novels in Libraries Month

Graphic Novels in Libraries Month

July is Graphic Novels in Libraries Month! Started in 2019 to bring attention to and promote the growing graphic novel and comics collections in our nation’s libraries, the month-long celebration coincides with the world’s biggest fandom event, San Diego Comic Con. In addition to highlighting collections and their accessibility through digital library apps like Hoopla, Graphic Novel Month is a great opportunity to show the range of formats, genres, characters and benefits that these mediums have to offer.

Get Free Comic Books at the Library

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day, held the first Saturday in May, is great for attracting new comic book readers. It’s often cross-promoted with a new superhero film. This year, of course, it coincides with release of Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and the season finale of Moon Knight.

But what do you do when all those free comics have been given away? Get free comics at your library, of course!

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