black history

Books to Celebrate Juneteenth Freedom Day

All libraries will be closed on June 19 for Juneteenth Freedom Day. Digital Library open 24/7.

We love to share selections that demonstrate the range of our collection all year and we encourage you to explore these books with us this month! Considered the longest-running African American holiday, Juneteenth has been celebrated by African Americans since the 1800s and became a federal holiday in 2021. A combination of the words "June" and "nineteenth," it is celebrated on the anniversary of the order, issued by Major General Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865, proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas.  

History Chat: Greenlining Jax with Dante Jennings

History Chat: Greenlining Jax with Dante Jennings. Graphic includes a photo of a shotgun house.

Greenlining is an urban investment and revitalization strategy that aims to address the lingering effects of redlining with equitable, actionable, and sustainable solutions that improve economic development, environmental justice, and quality of life in formerly redlined neighborhoods. Learn more about this initiative and other efforts to educate and empower underserved communities right here in Jacksonville at our next History Chat, live at the Brown Eastside Branch Library on Tuesday, May 28, at 6:30 p.m.

Celebrating Black History, Art and Culture this February at the Library

February is Black History Month

Every February, Black History Month prompts us all to learn from and about our history. It is also a time to celebrate the historical, artistic, culinary, scientific, and other achievements of Black Americans. Throughout the month, the Library will highlight books in our collection by and about people in the African American community including here on our blog, through book displays in your local library, and via reading challenges for all ages on Beanstack. The Library and our Friends Groups also have several events and programs planned, starting on February 1.

History Chat: The Life of Captain James W. Floyd with Jerry Urso

History Chat: The Life of James W. Floyd with Jerry Urso

Saturday, February 10, at 2:30 p.m., learn about the exciting life of Captain James W. Floyd with Jerry Urso, live on the fourth floor of the Main Library (Ansbacher Map Room). Urso is the Grand Historian of the Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge of Florida. His subject, Captain James W. Floyd, was a celebrated (and decorated) hero of the Spanish-American War, a business owner, and a civil rights activist from Jacksonville who met with President Warren G Harding.

Books to Honor and Celebrate Juneteenth

Books to honor Juneteenth

Juneteenth has been celebrated by African Americans since the 1800s and became a federal holiday in 2021. It is a combination of June and nineteenth and is celebrated on the anniversary of the order, issued by Major General Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865, proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas. If you're still somewhat new to Juneteenth celebrations or you'd like to share the history with your children, the Library has books to help you out! Check out our book recommendations to learn more about the history of this holiday and the ways it's traditionally celebrated. 

Celebrating Black History and Imagining a Better Future

Black History and Futures Month

Black History Month is a celebration of the achievements and contributions of Black individuals and a reminder to us all that to learn from and about our history. Black Futures Month takes a forward-looking spin, focusing on uplifting contemporary Black creators and leaders and the ongoing work of racial justice. Both are observed in February. Throughout the month, the Library will highlight books in our collection by and about people in the African American community. Check a few of these out below and join us at one of our Kids and Teens programs, with themes and stories in celebration of Black History (and Black Futures) Month.

Meet NYT Bestselling Author Kwame Alexander

Lit Chat: An American Story Author Talk with Kwame Alexander and Dare Coulter

How do you talk to kids about slavery? In the new book, An American Story, New York Times bestselling author Kwame Alexander's unparalleled poetry combines with debut illustrator Dare Coulter's singular art to present a sweeping account of our country's founding. They'll join us, as part of their book tour, for an interview with Jacksonville's own Rahman Johnson to talk about how they put this book together and what they want readers to take away from it. The book and this interview program are intended for middle and high schoolers, educators, parents, and caregivers.

10 Children's Books Honoring Juneteenth

Books to honor Juneteenth

Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. Also known as Emancipation Day, Freedom Day or Black Independence Day, it has been celebrated annually on June 19 since 1865 in various parts of the country. Juneteenth became an official federal holiday on June 17, 2021. If you’re attending your first Juneteenth jubilee or looking for ways to celebrate, check out this booklist!


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