Database Research A-Z


A collection of resources on historical and cultural topics including the US government, American and World History, World Religion, the American experience from African, Indian, and Latino perspectives, modern issues like genocide, and pop culture. Includes full-text articles, primary sources, images, and biographies, as well curriculum ideas for teachers.


History Fair


Search Businesses, People, Mailing Lists and Sales Leads, Jobs, and more.

AtoZdatabases is a reference, research, marketing, mailing lists/sales leads, and job-search database. Includes business and executive profiles, residents with interests, hobbies and lifestyles information, real-time job listings, new businesses, healthcare professionals, new movers, new homeowners, and more. The databases are ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and a whole lot more.

Some databases are updated monthly, some weekly, and the jobs database is a real-time update.

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