3.2.1 — Internet Use

Effective: January 1, 2025
Last Reviewed: November 1, 2024

  1. Purpose
    The purpose of this policy (“Policy”) is to establish the rights and responsibilities associated with access to and use of the public Internet provided by the Jacksonville Public Library (Library).
  2. Definitions
    1. The “Internet” shall be defined as a global electronic network that provides users with access to ideas, information, and commentary. The Library provides the community with access to the Internet to enhance the Library’s existing collection in size, depth, and currency, and to enable the public to access information and resources available only on the Internet.
    2. “Internet use” shall be defined as using the Library’s wired or wireless network to access the content and services of the Internet through a Library-provided computer or other device or through the customer’s personal computer or device.
  3. Acceptable Use
    1. Customers accessing the Internet through the Library’s equipment or network are subject to this Policy as well as to all local, state, and federal laws. This Policy also applies to customers using personal equipment, including but not limited to laptops, smart phones, and tablets.
    2. The Library may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of this service at any time, including the availability of any service feature. Access to Library-provided Internet may be suspended for violation of this or any other Library policies, including Policy 3.3.1 Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with the Library’s policies may result in loss of Library privileges including expulsion and/or trespass.
  4. Non-Endorsement and Disclaimer
    1. The provision of public Internet service in no way constitutes the endorsement of Internet content by the Library, its staff, the Board of Library Trustees (BOLT), or any other agent of the Library or the City of Jacksonville. The Library recognizes that some Internet content may be controversial and that any given website may offend a member of the public.
    2. The Library assumes no liability for content found by users of Library-provided Internet to be inaccurate, offensive, objectionable, or indecent.
    3. The Library assumes no responsibility for the security of this service or any loss or damage arising from use of this service. The Library is not liable for: any loss that may occur as a result of the disclosure of personal or financial information by a customer; loss or damage to customer’s personal devices; or, any loss or damage arising from invasion of the customer’s privacy or from viruses that may infect the customer's personal devices or data.
    4. The Library disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions, or conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to the use of this service. This includes links to external websites and licensed databases on the Library’s website. Customers are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the privacy and security information for any site they visit.
  5. Privacy of Customer Information
    The privacy of customer information is governed by Policy 2.6.1 Privacy.
  6. Minor Children and Parental Rights and Responsibilities
    As with other Library-provided services, minors’ access to and use of the Internet and its content, services, and resources is the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians.
  7. Internet Filtering
    1. The BOLT authorizes the Library Director to use commercial or other systems for content filtering and securing Internet access and to make filtering decisions in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and policies, including the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).
    2. Filters will be used to block visual depictions that constitute obscenity or child pornography, or are harmful to minors.
    3. Filtering is imperfect and may restrict access to legitimate research sites. Also, filtering does not guarantee that all sites in the categories filtered will be blocked.
    4. A research pass for modified filtered internet on public access computers is available to adults (ages 18 or older) upon request. Sites that pose a security threat to the network or that are categorized as illegal remain filtered with a research pass.
    5. Viewing prohibited material on public or personal devices at any Library location is considered disruptive or unlawful behavior, as described in the Library’s Policy 3.3.1 Code of Conduct.
  8. Network Security
    The BOLT authorizes the Library Director to implement measures that reduce the likelihood of security risks to the Library’s network. The BOLT understands the Library receives network services from the City and the Library will be advised by the City.
  9. Reconsideration of Internet Filtering
    1. The Library welcomes customer opinions regarding Internet filtering. Decisions related to the filtering of specific websites from the Library’s network will not be made based solely on customer feedback, but will be considered along with other relevant information gathered about the website and outlined in this Policy.
    2. A customer holding a General Membership in the Library, as described in Library policy, who wishes the Library to formally reconsider a website shall submit a signed, written request which includes a description of how the website does or does not violate this Policy. To be considered, the request shall be submitted to the Library Director in compliance with current Library procedure. Following a formal review, the Library Director will render a decision and will communicate it in writing to the requesting customer.
  10. Appealing the Library Director’s Decision on a Reconsideration of Internet Filtering
    A customer holding a General Membership in the Library, who has submitted a request for reconsideration of Library Internet filtering and is unsatisfied with the decision rendered by the Library Director, may appeal the decision to the BOLT in accordance with 5.5.1 Appealing the Implementation of Library Policy
  11. Authorization to Define Procedures
    The Board of Library Trustees authorizes the Library Director to establish procedures to administer this Policy and to delegate any and all responsibilities herein to other staff through such procedures.
  12. Associated Library Policies
    2.6.1 - Privacy, Jacksonville Public Library Policy
    3.1.1 - Customer Accounts and Privileges, Jacksonville Public Library Policy
    3.3.1 - Code of Conduct, Jacksonville Public Library Policy
    5.5.1 - Appealing the Implementation of Library Policy, Jacksonville Public Library Policy
  13. Relevant Law and Legislation
    a. Florida Statute
    847 – Obscenity, Florida Statutes
    b. Federal Law
    Children’s Internet Protection Act, PUB. L. 106-554
    Library Services and Technology Act, 20 U.S.C. § 9121