4.2.1 — Recognition and Naming

Effective: August 24, 2022
Last Reviewed: August 5, 2022

  1. Purpose
  2. To establish a policy to be used by the Board of Library Trustees when naming library spaces and facilities and otherwise recognizing contributions to the Jacksonville Public Library and the community as a whole.

  3. BOLT Authority
  4. Per Section 662.102 of the City of Jacksonville Ordinance Code, the Board of Library Trustees has the authority to name library buildings, gardens, areas, rooms, spaces, and all other library facilities operated on the behalf of the Jacksonville Public Library.

  5. Proposals
  6. All such proposals for naming may come from a Trustee, the Jacksonville Public Library Foundation, City administration, civic groups or individuals for consideration by the Board of Trustees of the Jacksonville Public Library.

  7. Naming Standards
    1. Main Library. In compliance with Section 662.102 of the City of Jacksonville Ordinance Code, the Main Library shall not bear the name of any individual.
    2. Library Branches. Library branches shall be named Jacksonville Public Library, followed by the name of the geographic area in which the branch library building is located, after the community it serves, or the street on which its official address is listed. Additionally, the Board, in its discretion, may name a building after an individual, family, corporation, etc., under exceptional circumstances that shall include service to the library system.
    3. Other Library Spaces. Rooms, gardens or wings of library facilities shall be named for the function of the area; e.g. the "Children's Room", the "Adult Learning Center", or the "Quiet Room", or similar designation preceded or followed by the name of an individual, family, corporation, etc. approved by the Board of Library Trustees for an extraordinary monetary contribution or services to the library system.
    4. Collections. A collection may be named by the Board in recognition of a donor when the funding is sufficient to create and maintain the collection, and it meets the library's needs and other criteria.
    5. Honorary/Memorial Books. Book donors will be recognized by placing a bookplate in the book for the life of the book.
    6. Other Services. Donors who sponsor an entire program of service for a designated period will be recognized by placing signage in the service area within the facility, acknowledging their sponsorship, for the life of the service provided.

  8. Authorization to Define Procedures
  9. The Board of Library Trustees authorizes the Library Director to establish procedures to administer this policy, and to delegate any and all responsibilities herein to other staff through such procedures.

  10. Associated Library Policies

  11. Relevant Law and Legislation

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