#Looking For a New Beginning?
For Tiffaney Capers, passing the G.E.D.® and earning her high school diploma was not the end of her journey; it was a new, better beginning.
#Finishing What She Started
Tiffaney first heard about the Library's Center for Adult Learning from a family friend. At the time, she had a job she really liked, working as a receptionist at a local health care facility. She wanted more, though. She wanted to move up in the company. She wanted to help people more directly and in a bigger way.
Ultimately, though, what motivated her to sign up was being that role model her daughter needed. “I wanted her to know how important education is. And I wanted her to finish.” When her daughter started high school, Tiffaney decided it was time to finish what she started.
Tiffaney had moved to Florida from New York near what would have been the end of her high school career but hit a snag when transferring. “They didn’t accept my credits,” she said. “They wanted me to start at ninth grade.” She tried alternative school for a while… but by then, she had other goals.
It would be years before she tried again. This time around, she was a parent with a full-time job. So, it wasn’t just about determination. She needed something that worked for working adults and that’s ultimately why she ended up choosing the Library’s Center for Adult Learning. “The online classes really worked for my schedule.”
#Moving Forward
What do you need to get where you’re going? Here are some words of wisdom that Tiffaney wanted to share:
Tiffaney’s next step is to earn a bachelor’s degree from Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) so she can become a social worker. “I couldn’t do all of that without passing my G.E.D.® first,” she said. “Now I’m where I need to be to move forward.”
Thank you for sharing your story, Tiffaney!
#Do you, a family member or friend need help preparing for the G.E.D. Test®?
Sign up for FREE classes with trained instructors that will help you pass all four test subjects.
Classes are offered in the daytime, evenings, and on Saturdays to fit your busy schedule. Whether your end goal is a better-paying job, higher education, or just being a role model for your kids: Our staff will help you make a plan. We've helped hundreds of other adult learners just like Tiffaney.
We'll also get you registered for the right classes. No guesswork required.
#Your New Beginning
Schedule an intake appointment and get started right away!
Each step forward gets you that much closer to your dream.
You can also call the Library’s Center for Adult Learning staff at (904) 255-6135 for more information.