#On Moving Forward
Nicole Mitchell signed up for the Library's GED Test® Prep classes so she could apply for college.
"You have to have your GED or a high school diploma to move forward," she said. "My aunt, she lives in the area. She knows a lot about adult learning and she recommended Jacksonville Public Library." We're so glad she did!
"So Many Possibilities"
Nicole admits that she was most nervous about the math portion of the GED Test® but she credits her instructor at Jacksonville Public Library's Center for Adult Learning with helping her focus and building her confidence. "I was afraid," she said, "My teacher [told me], 'Take your time... if we can't do it this way, we'll do it that way. We'll work it out so you know how to do it.'"
Now that she has her GED, Nicole feels like so many opportunities have opened up for her. "There's nursing, college, the military... [but] I think I will do nursing. I've always loved nursing," she told us.
Thinking about signing up?
Hear directly from Nicole:
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Nicole!
#Do you, a family member or friend need help preparing for the G.E.D. Test®?
Sign up for FREE classes with trained instructors that will help you pass all four test subjects.
Classes are offered in the daytime, evenings, and on Saturdays to fit your busy schedule. Whether your end goal is the military, a better-paying job, higher education, or just proving to yourself that you can accomplish a goal: Our staff will help you make a plan.
We've helped hundreds of other adult learners just like Nicole.
"Just Go For It"
Schedule an intake appointment and get started right away!
For questions or to schedule your appointment over the phone, call the Library’s Center for Adult Learning staff at (904) 255-6135.