#A Mom on a Mission
Abigail Ricketson gave up on herself until she had kids.
"I got a job the same week I got my diploma," she said. Now, she's determined to go to college, get her own place, and be the support that they need.
"Just because you feel like you can't do it doesn't mean you can't. You just gotta keep moving forward."
Abigail's Journey
Abigail went to three different high schools. "I'm very slow when it comes to learning; I need things repeated to me sometimes." She would ask for help and ask questions because she wanted to do better but got labeled a troublemaker. "I didn't really have the best guidance. So, I decided to drop out."
Thankfully, she heard about the G.E.D. Test® Prep program at the Jacksonville Public Library from her sister.
"I made a call... and it's honestly one of the best decisions I ever made. They're the kind of teachers... Well, you wish you had them in school. They are truly a guiding hand, not somebody's who going to give up on you."
What Worked For Her
Being a single mom, online classes worked really well for Abigail. "You can be cozy, sit on your bed with your laptop or tablet. You don't always have to be on camera if you're nervous about it. But everybody in class is in the same boat as you. So, don't feel afraid."
"I have a three-year-old and a two-year-old and it's just us at the moment. I was trying to get a job but... a lot of the higher-paying jobs require a diploma," she said.
"This shows my kids that you can do anything. And it shows everybody that, being a stay-at-home mom or stay-at-home dad, you have the time and the resources to learn."
Thinking about signing up?
Here's what Abigail has to say to anyone who's considering scheduling that appointment:
Thank you for sharing your story, Abigail.
#Do you, a family member or friend need help preparing for the G.E.D. Test®?
Sign up for FREE classes with trained instructors that will help you pass all four test subjects.
Classes are offered in the daytime, evenings, and on Saturdays to fit your busy schedule. Whether your end goal is a better-paying job, higher education, or just being a role model for your kids: Our staff will help you make a plan. We've helped hundreds of other adult learners just like Abigail.
We'll also get you registered for the right classes. No guesswork required.
#You Can Do Anything
Schedule an intake appointment and get started right away!
Get the support you need to get your diploma. It's never too late!
For questions or to schedule your appointment over the phone, call the Library’s Center for Adult Learning staff at (904) 255-6135.