#"I made the phone call"
Jason Campbell had been working in a warehouse for the last ten years. But as a husband and a father, he wanted to do more than just make ends meet. "I knew that getting a diploma puts me in a situation where I can support my family better," he said. "There are a lot more opportunities — once you have a college degree — than there are for someone with no high school diploma." So, when he heard about the free GED® program at the Library, Jason reached out.
#"You always want better for your kids."
A family tragedy in his teen years, and the resulting financial turmoil, interrupted Jason's own high school career. He said, "I kind of went into survival mode, he said. "You do what you got to do and school, unfortunately, fell by the wayside."
Now, as a father, Jason does everything he can to support his family and make sure his son knows the value of an education. "This diploma gives me the ability to be a better role model. I know now that if I can do it, he can do it."
#"You can do this and they can show you the path to get it done."
It is said that a goal, broken down into steps, becomes a plan. Jason was ready to act. He just didn't know where to start. That's when he reached out to the Center for Adult Learning at the Library. "It would have been a whole lot more difficult if I hadn't asked for help," Jason said.
"That extra guidance from my instructor when I took my practice test... that kind of gave me that extra confidence to say, 'You know what? Let me go take the test and see what happens.'"
With high school diploma in hand, Jason was able to start classes at Florida State College Jacksonville in January. He plans to pursue a degree in radiology.
Thank you for sharing your story, Jason!
#Do you, a family member or friend need help preparing for the GED Test®
Sign up for FREE classes with trained instructors at your Jacksonville Public Library. Classes are offered in the daytime, evenings, and on Saturdays to fit your busy schedule. We've helped hundreds of other adult learners just like Jason achieve their goals.
#Take the leap!
Not sure where to begin? Sign up for an intake appointment.
We’ll get you registered for the right classes and get you on the road to success as quickly as possible. No guesswork required.
You can also call the Library’s Center for Adult Learning staff at (904) 255-6135 for more information.