September is Library Card Sign-Up Month

Friday, September 1, 2023

You don't want your friends to go broke buying books, do you? DO YOU?!

Then take the time this September to share how valuable having a library card is, and you'll make their day!

In conjunction with the American Library Association, Mayor Donna Deegan and Jacksonville's City Council have proclaimed September Library Card Sign-Up Month (see legislation below)! The Mayor and City Council know how valuable library cards are and want everyone to encourage their friends and neighbors without cards to get one so they can enjoy the world of access Jacksonville Public Library provides. 

Those who sign up for their first Jacksonville Public Library card in September may receive some special surprises, including...

  • A poster to display in their homes, letting everyone know that they support and use the library
  • A dazzling newly designed library card that contains icons representing Jacksonville
  • A vinyl Jacksonville Public Library logo sticker for their laptop or Trapper Keeper (?)

Jax Icons Library Card
New cardholders who sign up in September 2023 will get this exclusive, newly-designed library card!

So don't let your friends go broke buying books! Send them to any of our 21 locations or have them visit, and they can get a card in minutes online.

Thank you for helping spread the word in September! We look forward to seeing you and your friends soon!!!

Mayor's Proclamation of Library Card Sign-Up Month

Resolution 2023-524-A Recognizing September as Library Card Sign-Up Month, introduced by Council Members Freeman, Carlucci, and Clark-Murray and Co-Sponsored by Council Member Johnson:


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