# Write About Your Favorite Book & Win
Do you love reading and talking about books? Are you the friend (or the influencer) with all the best book recommendations? Is your bookshelf a carefully curated trophy case of all your favorite reading adventures? Our annual Celebrate Reading Week: Book Review Writing Contest could be your time to shine! This year, four young writers in grades K-12, were awarded $100 in cash for writing the most persuasive book review. Not only that, they were our guests of honor at a special event downtown all about celebrating reading!
# Writing Prompt
What is your favorite book and why do you recommend it?
Submission Period Closed
Expand to See Contest Rules
- Contest is open December 16, 2024, through February 22, 2025, to K-12 public, private, and homeschool students in Duval County.
- The best book review from each age group (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and grades 9-12) wins $100 in cash!
- Book reviews may include text or drawings and should not exceed 300 words.
- Submit entries via email to ilovebooks@coj.net or fill out an entry form at your local library. You'll need to include your name, parent’s name, grade level, and contact information. Note: To ensure judging is fair and impartial, we ask that you only include your name on the entry form or in the body of the email and not on the book review itself.
# 2025 Contest Winners
K-2nd Grade Winner
Camryn Dineen (2nd Grader) won with a persuasive review of Ladybug Girl at the Beach by David Soman and Jacky Davis. It even included a very colorful drawing!
Full text: "I recommend this book because when I read this book the main character, Lulu, was scared at first of the ocean. When she went to get her feet wet, the water started racing back into the ocean. Her feet got buried and then a wave crashes into her and nearly knocks her over. So then she started collecting shells and put them in her pail. Lulu then starts digging to see if she could find any pirate treasure. While she was digging, a wave splashes her and takes away her pail. She ran into the water to catch her favorite pail. She realized she could do anything. For the rest of the afternoon, Lulu was playing in the ocean. When it was time to go, Lulu was sad but she knew she would come back again soon an no longer be scared of the ocean. I recommend this book because when people read this book they learn to be brave and face their fears."
Camryn included this illustration with the review:
3rd-5th Grade Winner
Cami Stoneberg (4th Grader) won for a well-reasoned review of The BFG by Road Dahl. There were, in fact, three great reasons given for reading the book!
Full text: "Have you ever read The BFG by Roald Dahl? If you haven't, you really should! If you don't believe that you should read the most amazing book, The BFG, I will tell you some reasons why I picked this certain book to tell you about and why you should read it! Reason #1: If you need a little happy spirits go ahead and grab this book because this is going to make you laugh! Reason #2: This book has great words to add to your vocabulary knowledge! Reason #3: This book is just what you want because it is very intriguing to make you want to read more! I hope I've encouraged you to read this book! It is so great!"
6-8th Grade Winner
Caroline Vynanek (8th Grader) won with a review of her favorite book, All That's Left In the World by Erik J. Brown.
Full text: "This is my favorite book. It follows two teens, Andrew and Jamie, as they try to survive in a post apocalyptic America. It is a fast-paced, exciting story that I couldn't put down. There are bear traps, lions, an awesome old lady and a naked umbrella-wielding mannequin. This book is scary yet hilarious at the same time and covers many genres. It is thrilling with some romance and is set in a dystopian world. That is why I highly recommend this book."
9-12th Grade Winner
Jaeden Anthony (12th Grader) got us all hyped to read Dragon Ball Z by Akira Toriyama (specifically, issue 17). The Super Saiyan Goku fan art Jaeden included was a really nice touch!
Full text: "I recommend this book because of its overall charm. From the fight panels to power scaling to even the small talk, the story is incredible. It's no wonder how the Dragon Ball Z series is highly praised. Though being the 17th volume of the series, it shows the pictures and characteristics of the main cast of characters as well as important past events that happened within the story's saga so far. Not only did it recap details of the current saga, it covered the previous saga that led up to the present one. This helps new readers, such as myself. immediately know what's going on or at least what to expect. I will always admire Toriyama's ability to create the appropriate mood whenever the story requires it. A primary example of this is in Tale 198: Cell vs. the Army. In this chapter, Goku, Gohan, and Chichi are driving across the mountainside after a peaceful picnic. The bubble containing music notes gives the reader the feel of a chill ride home which is interrupted by jet noises and gun fire - which creates tension. In conclusion, DBZ Vol. 17 is definitely a book I would recommend."
Jaeden included this illustration with the review: