The purpose of the Strategic Agenda is to provide staff and other Library stakeholders with a one-page overview of the critical elements of the Library’s strategy. This annotated version is meant to answer the question, “what drives the decisions we make and the actions we take as an organization?”

#Mission – Why We Exist
To enrich lives, build community and foster success by bringing people, information and ideas together.
#Vision – How We See the Future
Start Here. Go Anywhere.
#Strategic Priorities – Where We Will Focus to Make an Impact
- Improve the community's reading, writing and literacy outcomes.
- Improve the community’s lifelong learning outcomes.
#Strategic Goals – How We Measure Our Long-term Impact and Demonstrate Critical Mass
- By the end of the decade (September 30, 2030), 75% of Duval households will use or contribute to the Library.
- By the end of the decade, 75% of respondents will agree the Library is integral to the community’s reading and writing related successes.
- By the end of the decade, 75% of respondents will agree that the Library is integral to the community’s lifelong learning successes.
#Strategic Objectives – The Paths We Will Trace to Reach Our Goals
- Provide customer-centered experiences based on our Core Services.
- Collaboratively impact the community through partnerships that enhance our Core Services.
- Build organizational capacity that enables us to sustain and grow our Core Services.
#Core Services – Our Investments in Achieving Our Outcomes
- Share and lend a broad collection of accessible materials and digital content.
- Present a variety of in-person and virtual classes, events, activities and programs that highlight and connect people to the collection and other Core Services.
- Provide publicly available technology that extends reading, writing and lifelong learning opportunities.
- Provide publicly available spaces for study, meeting and community-focused engagement.
- Share staff expertise that actively enhances the accessibility and use of the other Core Services.
#Strategic Measures – How We Will Mark Our Progress
- Net Promoter Score
- Number of Cumulative Distinctive Active Cardholder (CDACH)
- Percentage of Duval respondents that agree that the Library is important to the community’s reading, writing and lifelong learning successes.
- Percentage of budget accounts meeting quarterly encumbrance and expenditure milestones.
- Percentage of planned projects that meet quarterly milestone expectations.
#Customer Outcomes – How the Community Is Better
- Individuals read and write better -- Impact
- Community members are more engaged in lifelong learning -- Impact
- A super-majority of Duval households use or contribute to the Library and its work -- Critical Mass